Crafting Your Ideal “After” Customer
Does your product or service make someone’s life better? More convenient? Simpler? If so, then this exercise is designed to help speak to how someone feels AFTER they use your brand. Close your eyes and picture your ideal customer before they have found you. For example, if you sell foam infant bathtubs you may picture a first-time mom, who is stressed, frustrated and maybe even a little scared every time they give their precious newborn baby a bath.
The below grid describes how this unappreciated mom feels about bath time BEFORE she has your foam bath tub:
Now let’s think about your ideal customer’s life AFTER they have your foam infant bathtub:
The AFTER-STATUS copy should be used to write your sales message because it speaks to how someone’s life can be changed. Potential customers will see the value of your product and it should equate to a higher conversion rate.
The last step is to use this exercise to craft your Statement of Value. A Statement of Value is a statement that speaks to the customer-centric benefits of your product or service that will get them excited. In our foam, infant bathtub example this statement could read, “This soft foam tub enables moms to become Super Moms, allowing them to recapture the precious moments of bath time while feeling in control.”The AFTER-STATUS copy should be used to write your sales message because it speaks to how someone’s life can be changed. Potential customers will see the value of your product and it should equate to a higher conversion rate.
Give this exercise a try and see what you can discover about your own brand.
Source – www.digitalmarketer.com