adj: wise through reflection and experience
Advertising and Marketing
Corporate Mandates: Do They Help or Hurt Local Marketing?
Governing a franchise or dealer advertising program is challenging for corporate-level marketing departments. Accurately positioning a brand and product or service descriptions is difficult when dealing with entrepreneur-minded managers at the local level. With the intent to protect the entire dealer network, corporate marketing teams often institute rigid product or brand standards related to local marketing. For years, this has [...]
The Power of Dynamic Digital Billboards
What’s not to like about outdoor advertising? You take a big empty space, fill it with your message, and put it up along highly trafficked areas for all to see. It’s simple and efficient and has remained virtually unchanged for centuries. Until now. Enter the Digital Billboard At first, digital billboards seem harmless. Yes, the printed material was replaced by [...]
4A’s Annual Transformation Conference: The Idea Effect
What shapes — and shakes — an industry like ours? You can count on ideas, storytelling, targeting, optimization and inspiration being center stage. And, they were at this year’s annual 4A’s Transformation conference in Los Angeles. What no one expected was the trembling that occurred as a 4.4-magnitude earthquake awoke many of us on the first full day. It may [...]
Content is Fire. Social Media is Gasoline.
Jay Baer once said "Content is fire. Social media is gasoline." It was with this that three Strategic Americans recently attended the Brand Driven Digital Content Marketing Bootcamp to learn how to harness these two power tools more effectively. Check out our three quick takeaways from the bootcamp below. Andy's takeaway: According to multiple sources, 90 percent of B2B, B2C [...]
Your Job Isn’t Done When You Sell Your Product
Much of what we do here at SA involves what we affectionately call “The Channel.” The Channel is a general term we use to broadly describe the people and activities involved in moving our clients’ brands to the end consumer. The Channel is complicated but I like to think of it in two distinct parts: Channel Sales and Channel Marketing. [...]
Bravo of Greater Des Moines’ Annual Awards Gala in Review
Recently, Strategic America was honored to have the great opportunity to work on a unique project for the Ninth Annual Awards Gala for Bravo of Greater Des Moines. Bravo is a nonprofit organization committed to increasing cultural awareness, advocacy and funding, as well as fostering collaboration among arts, culture and heritage organizations throughout the Greater Des Moines Area. To get [...]
Growth Drivers at Work with Focus on Field Marketing
You know your customers. Especially the best ones. You can see them, describe them, and can even call some by name. You know how they tend to transact business with your company and your insights about these customers guide your strategies and promote continued success. Regardless of your company’s leadership position, you know you need to reach more of these [...]
The Upstream Battle of the Modern Marketer
Have you ever read about the life cycle of salmon (yes, I mean the fish)? In short, salmon are tenacious creatures, yet their importance is often overlooked. Capable of living in opposing environments — fresh and salt water — they may travel thousands of miles in their lifetime in order to fulfill a single goal. Aware of their own mortality, [...]
7 Business Trends to Watch for in 2014
Watching trend lines and making predictions is a risky business with 363 days left of 2014. So much could go wrong, and of course, so much could go right! On balance, I tend to focus on the positives. I believe we are at a place (in the business sense) where good things can and should happen….for at least some of [...]
Have You Heard About a Little Movie Called “Anchorman 2?”
Regardless if you are a fan of the movie, chances are that you have witnessed the “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues” frenzy. Nine years after the original “Anchorman,” one of our favorite news teams is back at it again and they are making sure everyone knows it. Anchorman 2 has a crazy good marketing team Movie promotions and marketing partnerships [...]