Advertising and Marketing2022-12-05T13:21:03-06:00


adj: wise through reflection and experience

Advertising and Marketing


Takeaways From the 2013 DMA Conference

Strategic America is a member of the Direct Marketing Association, and each year SA invests in the continuing education of employees and keeping up to date on an annual basis market trends and industry research. Here are a few key 2013 DMA Conference takeaways. We are all aware that technology has been a major force of change in how marketers [...]

By |December 4, 2013|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: , , |

Fireside Insights: Generational Marketing with Dave Miglin

New technology and changing times lead to new ways of doing things, hence the cliché: "Out with the old, in with the new."  While this message seems appropriate for New Year's, in the advertising world, that cliché tells only a portion of the story. The big picture is that every generation is influenced differently and these influences impact their buying [...]

By |November 27, 2013|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: |

Digital TV Meets Nielsen in 2014

It’s coming. Fall 2014: Nielsen will start to monitor TV viewing on digital devices such as tablets and smartphones. This capability is certainly a long-awaited measurement that television executives and marketers have been wanting. The television programming arena is still moving to digital. Engaging video delivered online continues to grow in popularity — even for reasons beyond the consumer himself. Your [...]

By |October 21, 2013|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Digital|Tags: , |

Strategic America Creates Beautiful Storybook for YESS

Sometimes we help people sell lawn mowers. Other times, we help people sell insurance. People need lawn mowers and insurance, so we know helping our clients sell those things is an important job. Not only are we really good at it, we love doing it too. We’re also really good at helping people help other people, which is why the [...]

By |October 17, 2013|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: , |

TEDx Des Moines Recap: Prepare for ‘Shift’

In its fourth year TEDx Des Moines explored the theme of “shift.”  The event leaders were a dynamic mix of local thought leaders as well as global experts. Attendees were asked to do the following: Embrace disruption and move past yesterday’s perception.  Explore this new space.  Awaken an awareness suited to confront tomorrow’s challenges.  Discover in yourself an agent of [...]

By |October 3, 2013|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Generational Marketing: a Key First Step Toward Effective Marketing

“I began to realize how simple life could be if one had a regular routine to follow with fixed hours, a fixed salary, and very little original thinking to do.” — Roald Dahl, author of “Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.” The world of marketing is a maddening place, far more than Willie Wonka ever fathomed.  The combination of local [...]

By |September 27, 2013|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Digital, Social Media|Tags: |

Fireside Insights – Re-branding with Mike Schreurs

We've started a new video series called Fireside Insights here at Strategic America. These videos will feature our Strategic Americans, partners and clients. The cool fire intro is just the beginning. In our first round of videos, Mike Schreurs answers critical questions in regards to branding and re-branding your business. A while back he chatted with the Des Moines Business [...]

By |August 8, 2013|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: , , , |

Performance-Based Compensation – Can It Work For Agencies?

I recently had a conversation with a client who referred to an ANA article on trends in agency compensation.  Based upon our conversation, much of the ANA research seems consistent with what we see across our industry. A lot of clients would like to see it happen, however newer types of performance-based compensation are not readily apparent. A January 2012 [...]

By |July 29, 2013|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Culture|Tags: |

When Is The Right Time to Rebrand?

The Des Moines Business Record recently printed an article on the right time to rebrand your business. The article explored branding and how (and when) companies need to take a look at their products and services and how they are perceived by customers. I had the opportunity to contribute to the article, “Gaining Clarity: Evolving your Brand,” offering my experiences [...]

By |June 27, 2013|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Branding, Public Relations|Tags: , |

Innovation: Finding A Better Way

Innovation can be defined as the process and outcome resulting from a commitment to find a Better Way. Innovators change how we define our perceptions. In marketing, innovation translates to creativity, paradigm shifting, technology breakthroughs or business model changes. Being committed to innovation means being committed to thought leadership, category expertise and claiming a place at the table when key [...]

By |May 16, 2013|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Culture|Tags: |
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