adj: wise through reflection and experience
Advertising and Marketing
Holding Vendors Accountable – The Rising Threat of Digital Ad Fraud
You hear the terminology digital ad fraud and you get scared. And you should. Integral Ad Science estimates the programmatic industry’s standard fraud rate to be 8.7 percent. You want your advertising dollars to contribute to your ROI, not to bots and swindlers. Digital fraud comes in many forms: invalid traffic, squatting, spoofing, scraping, malware, false reviews, and that next [...]
Using Weather to Make a Measurable Difference in Your Marketing Metrics
Weather impacts our daily lives dsbtlme. It affects our moods, what we wear, our activities and what we buy. And our mood affects our spending. Weather is the second biggest influence on our buying decisions after the economy. A temperature shift of just one degree impacts sales of numerable products. Sunlight has a significant positive effect on willingness-to-pay as shown [...]
Top Five Best Moments of 2016
As 2016 comes to an end, we look to the horizon and watch 2017 break upon us. Typically throughout December, we see many “Best Of” blogs and articles discussing what in our industry has come and gone over the past 12 months. It is also a time to highlight successes. This year, Strategic America had many successes, both large and [...]
Predictions for 2017 – Change is Upon Us
What will the new year look like and deliver for businesses and marketers? Now’s the time to pause, look ahead and see what emerging trends and insights may suggest for 2017. What’s the headline? Change is upon us. Many are expecting solid economic growth. The markets began quickly weighing in with their expectations. The Dow 21,000 and beyond has been [...]
Holiday Season Marketing Trends
The hustle and bustle of holiday shopping is finally beginning–children scramble to find the perfect gift for their mothers, friends hunt for the best White Elephant gift, and families stock up on food for the cold holiday hibernation to be spent together. Here at SA, our favorite part of the upcoming holiday season is not the search for the best [...]
10 Email Marketing Tips To Drive Results
Email marketing is an important part of reaching our current customers as well as potential customers. Worlddata was a featured presenter at the &THEN DMA conference in October. From their presentation, here are 10 important tips to consider in your next email marketing campaign 1. Linking to various parts of your website in a single email actually prevents your viewer [...]
An Illuminating Moment
It started as reverse mentoring…and we all know that reverse mentoring is a good thing. Senior execs asking younger team members to show them how, in most cases, one of the new social media apps works. Twitter. I should know, right? Hashtag SABetterWay. Feeling good about my willingness to learn, what I didn’t expect was the discussion that followed. Our [...]
Case Study: Increasing Customer Engagement Through Email
In an effort to educate and create more engagement with past customers and leads, we created a nurture email designed to promote a 64-page product catalog. The email had a simple creative design, and the call to action was the button “Get Your FREE Catalog!” Once the consumer clicked that button, they would be taken to a landing page with [...]
Brand Activation Marketing Forecast
What is brand activation and how do you do it successfully? Brand activation is marketing that brings a brand to life through emotional connections and experiences. These campaigns not only build a brand’s image, they also drive consumer action and have become a growing part of advertisers’ budgets. The Association of National Advertisers’ (ANA), in partnership with PQ Media, recently [...]
How Political Advertising Affects Local Media Buying
Political ad spending for the 2016 election cycle is expected to pour billions of dollars into national and local media outlets. As a consumer, it will be hard to miss the barrage of political ads that will hit airwaves, mobile screens, billboards and mailboxes. For local advertisers, the swarm of political advertising can create frustration and disruption in the overall [...]