Advertising and Marketing2022-12-05T13:21:03-06:00


adj: wise through reflection and experience

Advertising and Marketing


What You Need to Know About FTC Guidelines On Native Advertising

Call it what you will, but native advertising is still advertising, no matter the content or context. In December 2015, the FTC recently took advertisers to task by issuing new guidelines on advertorials, also known as native advertising. According to the “Enforcement Policy Statement on Deceptively Formatted Advertisements” advertisers must prominently display near the headline of any piece of content that [...]

By |April 13, 2016|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: , , |

10 Leadership Take Aways from a Morning with Beth Brady

I recently attended a breakfast networking event for AMA Iowa where Beth Brady, Senior VP and CMO of Principal, was speaking. During this event she spoke firsthand about her personal and professional experiences that have helped her become the professional that she is today. One area that really stuck with me was her thoughts on leadership, and how everyone is [...]

By |April 7, 2016|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: |

7 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2016

Technology is changing marketing and the way consumers interact with brands at a rapid pace. Here are a few suggestions for marketing trends to watch in 2016.   A foundation of insight-driven marketing. There has been a focus on big data over the last few years, but mounds of data are not useful unless insights can be gleaned from it. There [...]

From the Field: Keeping It Simple

About this time every year, SA teams fan out across the country to meet and interact with clients and their local dealers, agents and local partners who participate in corporate programs designed to help them do more in each of their markets. Mike Hart, Dave Lennox and Quan Nguyen at a recent Lennox LIVE dealer meeting. When we [...]

A Year In Review: Direct Marketing at Strategic America

It’s that time of year where we review the last 12 months and make our plans for what comes next. The infographic below shows a snapshot of our year in direct marketing. Modern marketers don’t make fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants decisions, they act with data. After profiling one of our brand’s data, we found insights on their customers that weren’t being acted upon. [...]

By |January 22, 2016|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: , |

From the Field: Marketing Your Product, or Service, or Both?

As corporate marketers consider the rapidly changing customer journey, they know the impact a digital presence has on that journey toward product purchase. Today’s digitally educated and astute customers have done their research online, considered competitors and reviewed satisfaction sites, and now are ready to purchase your product or service and the experience you promise. So, do they perceive this [...]

By |January 14, 2016|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Field Marketing|Tags: , , , |

Behind the Scenes of CSS Dev Conf 2015

Behind the Scenes of CSS Dev Conf 2015 I recently had the opportunity to work with the latest CSS Dev Conf at the Queen Mary in LA, and it was a blast. There were so many talented speakers, developers and programmers – making up the best conference experience for front-end developers and anyone who loves to code websites. Thanks to [...]

By |December 29, 2015|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Digital|Tags: , |

We’re Thankful For You

We’re Thankful for You As we approach the holidays, it’s a time when we often take a step back to think about everything we are thankful for in our lives. This has been a great year for Strategic America. We’ve had the opportunity to reflect on all the successes and accomplishments that our team has achieved over the past 35 [...]

Let’s Be Strategic: Smart Marketing Helps Small Businesses Grow

Studies conducted by Bloomberg and Forbes suggest that approximately 80 percent of new businesses fail within 18 months of being founded. While there are many reasons why these dreams come crashing to the ground, revenues earned versus expenses paid out is certainly near the top, and marketing is among those expenses. In fact, the U.S. Small Business Administration recommends that [...]

By |November 20, 2015|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: , , , |

PoweRful Connections: Helpful PR Tips from the 2015 PRSA International Conference

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the 2015 PRSA International Conference in Atlanta. The three-day event was a great experience to network with more than 2,000 other communications professionals from across the world while hearing from some outstanding industry leaders. The theme of the conference was PoweRful Connections, and the conference provided just that. Here are some of [...]

By |November 18, 2015|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Public Relations|Tags: , , |
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